Surviving Abuse Northern Devon 


SAND is a confidential, specialist counselling & support service for adults who have experienced historical or recent sexual abuse.

We offer specialist reduced rate therapeutic support at our central premises in Barnstaple. With easy access to free parking.

We also extend this service to friends and family members who are in a supporting role.

For all office enquiries please contact Josie Knight on 07548756193 

For ALL client referrals contact Sarah Willoughby on 07763617693

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Surviving Abuse North Devon together

We offer 15 in-person, online or telephone counselling sessions, from our premises at The Lodge in Rock Park, Barnstaple, with one of our six counsellors.

We use various approaches including CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), EMDR (Eye Movement, Desensitisation & Reprocessing), Rewind and Single Session Therapy

It’s  really not that long ago that counselling, psychotherapy, and holistic therapies were viewed as something secret, not to be talked about. But times have changed thankfully.

More people are now realising that their lives should be more than just surviving. We can thrive, or at least strive to thrive.

  • Therapeutic support can help you find ways to manage and move forward.
  • Therapeutic support can help relieve feelings of anxiety
  • Therapeutic support can target the triggers of addictive behaviours.
  • Therapeutic support helps you gain self-confidence.
  • Therapeutic support encourages a better balance and harmony in life.
Support groups in north devon

We take referrals directly from clients and/or your support working or referring agency.

If you feel particularly anxious, then try to ask someone to support you whilst you make the call, or in some cases, we can do a face-to-face referral at our office in Rock Park.

Whilst on our waiting list, we offer low-cost holding sessions that clients can immediately access.

We will discuss with you an affordable donation.

Surviving abuse

Step 1

Being Brave – admitting to yourself that you need support. Making that call to SAND. Call Sarah on 07763617693 We offer individual person-centered counselling for adults who live in North Devon and have experienced sexual abuse.

Step 2

Making the time to complete the referral – we have made this process as easy as possible – allow 20 minutes. We take referrals directly from clients and encourage where necessary for your support worker or referring agency to be present with you.

Support for Surviving abuse in Devon

Step 3

Referral is made. An achievement done. What now? Whilst you are on the waiting list you get access to immediate support via Holding Sessions and peer support. Please speak to Sarah about this. Our waiting list is approximately 3-5 months and can vary.

The counselling journey: Accessing 15 sessions with an agreed experienced person-centered counsellor, either in person or online.

* in some cases, we can do a in-person referral at our office in Barnstaple.

Low Cost Counselling

Low Cost Counselling

SAND began in 2016 in order to provide a quality specialist service in North Devon for any adult who has experienced sexual abuse. We also extend this service to family members who are in a supporting role.

Womens Groups

Womens Groups

By popular request, we run regular online and in-person Women’s Peer support groups. Once you have completed your referral, this option is available for all depending on availability. Please speak to Sarah: 07763617693

Mens support groups North Devon

Mens Groups

We work in close partnership with moMENtum Devon who are specialists in providing group-led and one-to-one support for male survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Please speak to John or Russell: 07773151080

Waiting List Support North Devon

Waiting List Support

These sessions are offered to you immediately after you have accessed SAND. It will give you the time to talk freely, be heard and supported. You will be given the number of the counsellor at referral.  Please speak to Sarah: 07763617693

EMDR – Rewind North Devon

EMDR – Rewind

SAND embraces a holistic approach to moving beyond abuse and as such we have 2 counsellors who specialise in techniques in addition to traditional talking therapy. EMDR Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) & REWIND.


Therapeutic Healing Resilience Inclusivity Values Empowerment.
Once you have become part of SAND and completed the SAND counselling journey, you can access or join a variety of supportive possibilities. This addition to SAND evolves.

“If something doesn’t work with the therapy at SAND, they say ‘okay, let’s find a different way to do this’. It’s not just ‘this is what we are doing’, it’s actively adapted to what I need.”
“I’d have been dead if I hadn’t seen the counselor at SAND. I still get suicidal ideas, but I feel safe with all the tools that SAND has given me. I don’t self-harm anymore; because I know where to turn now. You can always re-refer to SAND. ”
“The Women’s Peer support group allows me to feel safe and supported by other women survivors. At first, I was resistant, and I am so thankful I overcame this and joined. I now know I am not alone.”

Our Latest Blogs by Isy a SAND Volunteer