Get Help
If you or someone you care about has been a victim of sexual violence and is ready to get support. SAND is here to help. 01271377266
We will get back to you if you leave a message and a telephone contact number.
Living in North Devon, you can contact the Independent Sexual Violence Advisory (ISVA) Service on 03458121212. For all out-of-hours enquiries National Rape Crisis Freephone Helpline on 08085002222
“It’s hard to describe the difference that SAND has made – it’s given me a life I never thought I’d have. I’m really grateful to them. SAND has played a part in all of it; gave me space to find out who I was” {SAND client}
We’re here to support anyone who needs it, regardless of your age, gender identification, race, sexual orientation, or if you have a disability. Depending on where you live, we can help you directly, or refer you to someone who can.
We’re independent of the police and other agencies and you do not need to have reported to them to come to us for help and support. If at any point you decide to report to the police we can help you with this.
*There are some circumstances when the law requires us to share information without your consent. Wherever possible, we will inform you if this is the case.
If you have been a victim of a crime you’re entitled to certain rights as directed by the Code of Practice for Victims of Crime in England and Wales (Victims’ Code). Learn more about your rights here.
We can also offer help and support if you’re a relative, friend, or a professional who is concerned about someone who has told you they have been abused, or where you suspect abuse.
Don’t ignore the issue – there are things you can do to help:
- believe them,
- listening and not asking for details. They may not want to tell you everything that happened,
- don’t ask why the violence or abuse happened,
- reassure them that it is not their fault,
- do not make plans for them, but encourage them to contact us at SAND.
- respect their decision to report the violence or abuse. It is their decision to make,
- be patient and don’t tell them to forget all about what has happened or to put it the past,
- allow them to demonstrate their feelings by crying if that is what they need to do, even if their crying might upset you.
If they are an adult and decide not to report the violence or abuse it’s important to respect this as it is their decision to make, however, if you suspect a child or vulnerable adult has been sexually abused, you must report it to either the police or the council’s social care team. You can find more information about how to do this at
The police have specially trained officers who will contact you.
If you are concerned that someone is in imminent danger, do not hesitate to call 999
Look after yourself
It’s often very upsetting to discover that someone you care about is being hurt or abused so it’s also very important to look after yourself while you’re helping someone through such a difficult and emotional period.
Ensure that you stay out of danger and do not offer to talk to the abuser about the situation.